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2024 문화유산 전문가 알리산드라 커민스 특별 강연
홍익대학교 미술대학 예술학과와 유네스코아태무형유산센터에서 주최하는 2024 문화유산 전문가 강연에 초대합니다
제목: Voices of Change: Museums as Agents of Sustainable Development
The modern Museum of the 21st Century has had to adapt its strategies to account for 21st century circumstances. The world as we know it – post pandemic, internet and social media savvy, and (at last) prepared to consider the peculiarities of a diverse, multivocal world of multi-histories and the vulnerabilities of minorities in a way which the 20th century world did not, needs a different type of Museum. It is therefore not insignificant that the Museum definition of the 20th century faced rigorous scrutiny and needed to be adapted for our current realities. For the first time it was understood that what worked for the global south, was not necessarily appropriate or relevant for those at the margins of post-colonial discourse. More importantly, marginalised dichotomies armed with the internet and all of its social media tools understood that they were no longer trapped within, or subject to, colonial and neo-colonial discourses and values.